I am at about stage 3 of accepting Clinton as the nominee. This week reminded me of why they win.
But let's start out by saying they shouldn't. Hillary is the WRONG candidate for this cycle. Her ties to Wall Street are undeniable - and the political consequences of Democratic ties to Wall Street are serious and arguably are the single biggest factor behind Democratic losses in '10 and '14. She voted for the AUMF. She wanted the US to become more involved in Syria, and criticized Obama for failing to do so. She defended Welfare reform in the '08 election. This is no different than her husband, who before leaving office admitted China into the (WTO) and opened the door to offshoring US manufacturying and made sure the CFTC didn't have the authority to regulate the derivatives that would be at the heart of the financial crisis.
This is not a record anyone on the left or even a relatively boring liberal would want to support.
And then I remembered this week why so many do.
There is some old saying to the effect that often the best luck is having stupid enemies. And my God are the Clintons' enemies stupid. I kept an eye on the hearing, a Fox inspired freak show that made sure every bit of hate I have for the right and what they have done to this country cursed through my veins.
And inevitably I cheered Clinton when she dealt (that is the right word I think, dealt) with the Committee.
Of course none of this has the slightest thing to do with anything that matters to ordinary people trying to make ends meet. It is all theater.
And yet in the end I felt better about her. And I thought of course she will be the nominee.
I recovered. The Clintons are not and have never been the friend of anyone left of center in this country. Throughout their careers when the chips are down they have chosen to be on the other side.
So I am left with the disturbing thought that there is no real chance for change. The idea that you will move Clinton to the left once in office is absurd. It's just a rationalization.
Don't worry - I will vote for her in the end. We all will.
But I cannot help but feel that I will in some way aid in the destruction of the very ideas this country desperately needs. Because this time around even this site has joined the establishment. The force that I hoped would be built out of the energy of the Dean campaign is faint. To borrow words from the poet
The Sea of Faith Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled. But now I only hear Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Retreating, to the breath Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear And naked shingles of the world.
So someone by the end of the week, either O'Malley or Sanders, is getting money (not a small amount) from this New Hampshire resident.
Because I am not ready to give up the fight, even if I suspect it will be inevitably lost.